Bike, Pedestrian, and Road Safety

Mayor Breed’s failed leadership has led to unfulfilled promises, abandoned half-baked initiatives, and stalled projects to improve road safety. This year, the city has seen more traffic-related deaths than average and is on track to surpass total deaths in 2023. We cannot afford to keep putting lives in danger due to poor leadership. 

As mayor and District 2 supervisor, public safety was always my North Star, and it will continue to be my top priority as Mayor. I will take bold, aggressive action to ensure all road users – especially bicyclists and pedestrians – are safe on our streets, including creating a comprehensive citywide plan that constantly prioritizes safety. I promise to work with communities, not at them. 

To achieve this, I will: 

Install Bollards on Sidewalks at Major Intersections

  • Install bollards on sidewalks at major intersections that have multiple modes
  • Prioritize intersections near places like hospitals, parks and schools that are exposed to more vulnerable road users
  • Bollards are easy to remove and replace as traffic and neighborhood needs inevitably shift over time

Install More Speed Cameras

  • Commit to supporting the installation of additional speed cameras
  • Speed is what kills, and we need more tools to deter speeding and enforce speed limits

Create More Protected Bike Lanes

  • Install more protected bike lanes on streets that are wide enough to support them and heavily used by cyclists
  • Some of the most famous promenades in the world in Paris, Barcelona and Rotterdam have managed to balance and promote safety, public transit, bicycling, private vehicles and convenience for all road users